Panama as an added value to SEM companies: a reflection 10 years later
05/10/2019Icaza, González-Ruiz & Alemán has once again been recognized as a leading intellectual property law firm, ranking for the fourth consecutive year in the “Gold” category of the World Trademark Review (WTR 1000), an independent publication which annually issues a ranked guide of outstanding providers in legal services for Intellectual property.
In its statement, WTR highlights the positive valuation given to the firm by colleagues and peers, as well as the quality, integrity and reliability of its services, stressing that “the team skillfully handles all aspects related to registrations, assignments, granting of licenses and Intellectual property litigation throughout Central America and Latin America, and in jurisdictions of the United States and the Caribbean”.
Gabriela Tejada de Britton partner of the firm, was also distinguished due to her experience and proven strategic skills in this specialty area.
For further information on the ranking, please see WTR´s list of Panama´s leding trademark professionals 2017 .
WTR 1000 is a guide exclusively dedicated to identifying the world’s leading providers of legal services and specifically trademark registration. Individuals and legal firms qualify for inclusion in WTR 100 based on the existence of considerable positive feedback from market players.