Executive Decree No. 6 of April 13, 2023 that regulates Labor Migration
14/04/2023Recognition of Icaza Trust Corporation
24/04/2023Icaza, González-Ruiz & Alemán contributed to the report: Women, Business and the Law 2023 by the World Bank in the Panama Chapter.

Our partner, Javier José Vallarino, and our associate, Karen Tejeira, contributed to the report: Women, Business and the Law 2023 by the World Bank, focusing on the Panama Chapter.
This report is the ninth edition in a series of annual studies that measure progress towards gender equality across 190 economies by examining laws and regulations affecting women’s economic opportunities. This year’s study also includes research, literature review, and analysis of 53 years of reforms, and makes a significant contribution to research and policy debates on the reality of women’s economic empowerment.