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22/03/2024Cabinet Decree No. 13 of 2024.

The Cabinet Decree No. 13 of 2024 was published in the Official Gazette, through which the Multimodal Dry Channel for Goods Transshipment of the Republic of Panama, named Omar Torrijos Herrera, is established.
The objective of this Dry Channel is to complement the operations carried out in the logistics conglomerate for international cargo, serving as a primary single zone within the special jurisdiction of the customs territory and the routes established by the National Customs Authority within the primary and secondary zones of Panama’s customs territory.
It includes the railway, roads, highways, international airports, free trade zones, special economic areas, ports, and private companies authorized for international trade and logistic services, as well as customs logistic warehouses authorized by the National Customs Authority.
The transit of national or nationalized cargo within the established routes in the Dry Channel is incorporated. For the purposes of this Cabinet Decree, transit refers to the movement of national or nationalized goods within the Dry Channel.
To read Cabinet Decree No. 13 of 2024 in Spanish Click Here