Icaza, González-Ruiz & Alemán asesora al Consorcio HPH Joint Venture
20/11/2020Panamá crea régimen especial fiscal para las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas
Recent Transaction
Icaza, González-Ruiz & Aleman advised Empresa Nacional de Autopista (ENA), S. A., ENA Este, S. A. and Ena Sur, S. A., in a public offering of US$400 million 4.00% Senior Secured Notes due 2048, issued through the ENA Master Trust for the early redemption of the existing bonds issued by the ENA Sur Trust and the ENA Este Trust.
The ENA Master Trust issue was registered before the Superintendency of the Securities Market of Panama and listed on the Panama Stock Exchange and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
To achieve the issuance, it was necessary to modify the terms and conditions of the existing ENA Sur bonds, the amendment of the terms and conditions of the existing ENA Este bonds, the constitution of an issuing trust (ENA Master Trust), and the early redemption of the existing bonds ENA Sur and ENA Este among other matters.
The team in charge of this transaction was composed of Gabriel González-Ruiz, Luis Chalhoub, and Alfredo Fonseca.
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Client Testimonial
We want to take this opportunity to especially thank IGRA’s team, who with their hard work and dedication contributed to the success of the bond issuance transaction. To all the participants of IGRA’s group who accompanied us on the four-month work journey, we also congratulate them for the success achieved by ENA.
We extend special thanks to Gabriel Gonzalez Ruiz, Luis Chalhoub and Alfredo Fonseca, who accompanied us closely (day and night, weekends and holidays) during the last four months, providing us at all times with the collaboration and advice of high-level professionals. We know that there are many hard-working persons behind the scenes on your teams who also contributed to making the transaction a success; we also extend our sincere gratitude to them.
-Leopoldo Peralta, Administrative and Financial Manager – Empresa Nacional de Autopista[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]