Mariano J. Oteiza Icaza
Areas of Practice
Career Trajectory
Mariano Oteiza Icaza became a partner at Icaza, González-Ruiz & Alemán in 1996. With over 35 years of experience in the profession, he specializes in Banking Law, Corporate Law, and Real Estate and Tourism.
Over the course of his carreer, he has served as Director of several Banking entities, which grants him extensive experience in this area.
He actively participates as a member in associations such as the Panama Bar Association, the International Law Association, and the International Lawyer Association of Panama.
- Bachelor’s Degree of Law, Cum Laude, Santa Maria La Antigua University, Panama, (1985). Thesis “Study on Mortgage Bonds and Recommendations for Adequate Laws in Panama”.
- LL.M., Comparative and International Law, Southern Methodist University Law School, Dallas, Texas, USA (1986).
- License Certificate: 1985
- ICAZA, GONZÁLEZ-RUIZ & ALEMÁN, Partner since 1996
- Director of Primer Banco de Ahorros (PRIBANCO), (1999 – 2000).
- Director of Compañía Nacional de Seguros S.A. (CONASE), (1994 – 2001).
- Alternate Director of Banco Internacional de Panamá (BIPAN),(1999 – 2002)
- Alternate Representative to the Second Vice-Presidence of the Executive Council of Conciliation and Arbitration Center of Panamá (1995 – 1997)
- Alternate Director of Banco Provincial de Ahorro (PROBANCO) – (1992 – 1995)
- Director of Grupo Financiero Continental (2002 – 2007).
- Panama Bar Association, President of the Civil Rights Commission and Professional Ethics Commission (1995 – 1997).
- International Law Association.
- International Lawyer Association of Panama (Director).